Desktop Format

UF-7 Y-Cable

UF-7 Y-Cable

When you buy a UF-7C, it includes one UF-7 Y-Cable. However, if you want to add Turn Signal function, Remote On/Off control, or other optional features of the UF-7C, then you'll need a second UF-7 Y-Cable.

Since your UF-7C is already programmed to have these extra functions such as Turn Signal and Remote On/Off function, simply adding this cable to your UF-7C automatically activates these functions. This truly is a Plug and Play upgrade to your UF-7C!


  • Turn Signal is only active in UF-7C MODEs 4 & 5
  • Remote On/Off Control is only active in UF-7C MODEs 2, 3, 6, & 13
  • Remote On/Off Control of Emergency Strobes is only active in UF-7C MODEs 7 & 8
  • Remote On/Off Control of Gun LEDs is only active in UF-7C MODEs 9, 10, 11, & 12
  • $6.95
    Unit price per 
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