Desktop Format

CX-1 Controller

CX-1 Controller
CX-1 Controller

CX-1 Controller

The MyTrickRC CX-1 Controller is a mighty power in small package.  The clever little controller can power both MyTrickRC High Power LEDs and standard 3mm or 5mm LEDs.   

The CX-1 Controller gives you a Simple, Easy, and Safe, way to add LEDs to any RC Vehicles. The  CX-1 Controller powers directly off any open port on your receiver, and regulates that power to your LEDs.  

So you don't ever need to worry about over powering, or damaging, from mis-wiring.   The electronics in the CX-1 are very rugged and meet MyTrickRC's strict Quality Requirements.  

The CX-1 Controller Includes:

  • 1pc CX-1 Controller 


  1. The Power Ratings for the cx-1 Controller  are: 5VDC MAX.
  • $14.95
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