SQ4 Attack Wafer LEDs

SQ4 Attack Wafer LEDs
MyTrickRC's SQ4 Attack Wafer LEDs are High Brightness lights for your scale vehicle. Available in White, Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow, the Super Bright LEDs on the SQ4 Attack Wafer LEDs are carefully chosen for Optimum Brightness, Performance, and Durability. The smartly designed SQ4 Attack Wafer LEDs can be used with any MyTrickRC Controller, however, to get Maximum Brightness, power them from an HB-2 or DG-1 Dragon Controller, or one of our Light Bar Power Regulators. When powering off a DG-1 Dragon, plug them into the Black Ports, just like a light bar, then you will have 3-Level Brightness Control. This is ideal for taking pictures, and when crawling, crank them up to FULL BRIGHTNESS for an awesome explosion of light on the trail.
The SQ4 Attack Wafer LEDs can be mounted different ways. Each wafer includes a Double Sided Mounting Sticker for mounting to a flat surface. This is perfect for mounting to 3D Printed brackets, body panels, etc. The thoughtful design of the SQ4 Attack Wafer LEDs means they can be used for many applications such as Headlights, Light Bars, Tail Lights, Under-Glow and more.

To help with installation of the SQ4 Attack Wafer LEDs we have designed 3D Printed Buckets. You can download and print these yourself, or purchase a pair from our website. When mounting the SQ4 Attack Wafer LEDs, use Zap Goo, Shoe Goo, or similar adhesive to bond the 3D Printed Buckets to your body.
click picture to download STL file.
What if your body is pre-painted? On pre-painted bodies, you can use the SQ4 Attack Wafer LEDs to backlight Headlight or Tail Light Stickers. Scraping off the paint from the inner surface of the body will be necessary for the light to pass through it effectively, but the SQ4 Attack Wafer LEDs will illuminate the sticker really well, and look surprisingly scale.
** CAUTION, DO NOT power the SQ4 Attack Wafer LEDs off more than 5V or they will get VERY HOT and damage the LEDs.
During Installation, make sure LEDs are well protected from potential impacts, or LEDs may get damaged. They cannot be plugged into the Receiver directly.
MyTrickRC is introducing SQ4 Attack Wafer LEDs as another great choice when looking to add some high performance lighting to you scale vehicle.