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EZ4 LED Splitter

EZ4 LED Splitter
EZ4 Install Manual

MyTrickRC's EZ4 LED Splitter lets you easily connect up to 4 LED wires into a single connector - no soldering required! You can connect up to 4pcs Attack Light Bars, or up to 5 pairs of Rock Lights, Spot Lights, Wafer Headlights or Halos. And with standard 3mm & 5mm LEDs you can have up to 8 LEDs. The EZ4 LED Splitter lets you easily modify your lighting setup. Another key feature is that now you can use other brand’s LEDs with MyTrickRC Lighting Controllers UF-7C, UF-7R, Drift X, DG-1, SQ-1 and HB-2.



Group A = RED, ORANGE, and AMBER LEDs (are compatible with each other)

Group B = WHITE, BLUE, and GREEN LEDs (are compatible with each other)

    1. Groups A & B are not compatible with each other. So, if you connect a RED and WHITE LED together, only the RED will turn on.  This is because Group A LEDs have a lower voltage drop, so Group A steals all the power if combined together with Group B.
    2. When using these with Attack Lighting, DO NOT connect more than Two Light Bars, or 3 pairs of Attack Headlights, Rock Lights, Spot Lights, Halos, or Wafer LEDs to this cable, or you risk overheating it.
    3. The EZ4 LED Splitter may be used with any MyTrickRC Lighting Controller.


You may use other brand 3mm or 5mm LEDs with the EZ4 LED Splitter allowing them to plug into any MyTrickRC Controller. However, those LEDs must not have inline resistors and must not be wired in series.

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