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The Story of My Trick RC

Posted by Dan Thompson on

People often ask me about the story of MyTrickRC, and how I got into RC Lights and other RC accessory products. In my mind, it’s a fairly typical chain of events that drew me into the RC world, but every story has it’s interests.

It started off when I was in High School, I purchased my first RC car, a Tamiya Hornet. Some of you may remember this piece of history. It was so much fun beating the crap out of that thing. I broke it often and wore out the tires several times, which just meant I was having fun! Eventually I packed it away, but kept it in my box of saved memories for 20+ years.

After High School I went off to college and got a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. Since college, my career has been in product development of consumer and industrial products. My jobs over the years kept me on the path of mechanical engineering, as well as, involvement in electromechanical devices. Throughout my career I always wanted to be an entrepreneur, I just couldn’t figure out how to best apply my skills to something I felt confident could be successful as a business.

Then a few years ago, I was cleaning out my garage and I ran across the Hornet. Hey! I thought, I wonder if I can get this thing working again. After searching around online and talking to a few people I found it wasn’t worth the money to fix it, so on a whim I went out and bought a 2WD Traxxas Slash. Boy, was I impressed at how much the engineering and battery technology had evolved! Truly, I was blown away at how cool RC cars, and related rc accessories had become. I had an absolute blast with my Slash, abusing it in every way I could think of, but the one thing that disappointed me was the lack of equivalently cool lighting rc lighting accessories. I really wanted to play with it at night but I couldn’t. I bought various lighting products that were available, but all of them disappointed me for various reasons. Feeling a bit disheveled, I decided to make up my own lighting system, really just for myself on my own rc cars. Well, as more and more of my friends saw what I had done, everyone told me that I should build them and sell them.

The light in my head finally turned on when one day my wife casually asked “what was I waiting for?” With her support, and a small pile of money that I had been saving to fix up my truck, I put my full effort into designing a serious set of rc lighting, and rc accessory products that I could stand behind. Since then I haven’t looked back. Literally, dozens of people have pitched in to help me turn MyTrickRC into the successful company that I knew it could be, and not one person has asked for anything in return.

One very important aspect of MyTrickRC is to be original and innovative. Sure, there are other lighting products on the market but if anyone takes a close look between them, they will see the difference in the level of quality, value, easy of use, and superior customer service that MyTrickRC brings to our customers. We are evolving into the one stop shop for cool rc lighting products, and we continue to grow by working on several exciting new products that will launch in 2014.

Happy 2014 to everyone, we look forward to serving you!

Dan Thompson

Founder, MyTrickRC

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